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A Quick Guide to Commercial Real Estate Law: Key Considerations for Investors

commercial property investment

There are few fields more legally strenuous than commercial real estate law. Commercial real estate (CRE) transactions involve a complex web of legal considerations, and investors must navigate various rules and regulations to protect their interests.

Whether you’re discussing commercial tenant rights or commercial landlord rights, the fact remains that there is a lot of information that needs to be understood before a transaction takes place.

We’ve compiled a quick commercial real estate law guide to support you through this process.

Commercial Lease in Australia

A commercial lease in Australia is a legally binding agreement between a landlord (property owner or lessor) and a tenant (business or lessee) regarding commercial property rental.

Commercial leases are governed by state and territory laws, and while there can be variations, certain elements are generally common to most commercial leases in Australia.


The critical components of a commercial lease in Australia include the following:

  • Parties Involved – the lease should identify the parties involved, including the legal names of the landlord and tenant.
  • Property Description – detailed information about the commercial property being leased, including the address and specific details about the premises (e.g., floor area, any common areas).
  • Lease Term – the duration of the lease agreement, including the start and end dates. Some leases may include options for renewal.
  • Rent and Outgoings – the agreed-upon rent amount and the frequency of payments (e.g., monthly, quarterly). The lease should specify whether the rent includes outgoings (operating expenses such as property taxes, insurance, and maintenance) or if they are billed separately.
  • Rent Review Mechanism – Details on how and when rent increases will occur. Standard methods include fixed increases, market reviews, or tied to a specific index.
  • Permitted Use – the specific activities the tenant can conduct on the premises. The lease may restrict specific uses or specify a particular industry.
  • Maintenance and Repairs – responsibilities for maintenance and repairs, including any obligations for the tenant to return the property in a particular condition at the end of the lease.
  • Insurance – requirements for insurance coverage, including who is responsible for obtaining and maintaining insurance (e.g., property insurance, public liability insurance).
  • Security Deposit/Bond – the amount of the security deposit or bond, the conditions under which it may be withheld, and the process for its return at the end of the lease.
  • Assignment and Subletting – conditions under which the tenant can assign or sublet the premises to another party.
  • Termination and Default – grounds for termination of the lease, the notice period required, and actions considered as defaults (breaches) by either party.
  • Dispute Resolution – procedures for resolving disputes between the landlord and tenant, which may include mediation or arbitration.
  • Special Provisions – Any additional terms and conditions specific to the lease agreement.

Local State Laws and Regulations

For anyone looking to invest in Australian commercial properties, it’s important to note that each state will have its own laws and regulations regarding acquiring and renting commercial buildings. For example, the Retail Leases Act of 1994 lists legal requirements for retail buildings within NSW. Still, these regulations won’t necessarily apply to the same building in Victoria or Perth.

Additionally, on the note of the Retail Leases Act, there is a distinction between retail properties and other types of property, such as industrial, and some office buildings will come with their requirements, too, if they do not fall under the retail specifications.

Investors should consult experienced real estate lawyers to ensure compliance with specific local laws and regulations. The legal landscape in commercial real estate is complex and subject to change, so staying informed is crucial for successful investments.

Other Key Considerations

Some of the other key considerations for investors in commercial real estate law include finance, zoning and land use, insurance and tax implications plus an exit strategy.


You must understand the tax implications specific to real estate investment in Australia.  For example, the stamp duty, 1031, exchange for deferring capital gains taxes.


You may find using a lawyer with a Masters of Law or a Juris Doctor degree beneficial. They will probably know and probably have experience in broader commercial property considerations like financing.  For example, there may be some due-on-sale clauses and the need to understand the implications of due-on-sale clauses, which may accelerate the loan if the property is sold.  Additionally, loan agreements may have covenants to comply with that may impact the loan amount, term or fees.


You may not think you need a lawyer for your commercial property policy; however, obtaining the appropriate insurance coverage, including property insurance and liability coverage, is essential to ensuring adequate coverage against potential risks.



Commercial property investors must comply with federal, state and local environmental regulations.  Plus, there may be a need to conduct an ecological assessment to identify any potential contamination issues.

Dispute Resolution

Planning for the worst includes how you’d handle arbitration and mediation. A lawyer can add alternative dispute resolution clauses in contracts to avoid lengthy court proceedings should there be the need to manage a dispute.

Summing Up

Investors should always consult with experienced commercial real estate lawyers to ensure compliance with specific local laws and regulations. The legal landscape in commercial real estate is complex and subject to change, so staying informed is crucial for successful investments.