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The psychology of the colour RED

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  • The psychology of the colour RED

    Thinking of the election and Labour I was wondering the party colours.

    The colour red inspires Anger and Power. Yes, it's also the colour of passion and love but when things are not going well, the colour red just might make you more aggressive, and keen to show your dominance.

    The colour blue however is the opposite, it's calming, inspirational, strong in character. Blue can be intense and lacking in emotion, but trustworthy and sincere.

    Trump says his favourite tie is his red one!

    Ideally we should have a Government of BLUE for the rocky road ahead - instead we'll probably be getting RED.


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  • #2
    here you go a sure sign of RED and some being on a power-trip.....

    In a flagrant display of 11th-hour power-tripping, the Government affronted democracy by ramming through 15 pages of last-minute unannounced amendments in its supplementary order paper.


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    • #3
      No Reason Given Does NOT Equal No Cause

      Why is it that seasoned LLs - who should know better - get ever-increasingly trapped into telling lies? (Or, at best, repeating them.)
      Originally posted by Stuff
      But the biggest headache confronting landlords is the pending prohibition on no-cause terminations.
      There is no such thing as a no-cause tenancy termination.

      There is always a cause. What this nasty bit of legislation does is force a LL to give the reason for the termination.

      No astute person wants to capriciously stop a good client from spending money with their business.

      But then, what would the socio-commie reds know about business?


      • #4
        Originally posted by donna View Post
        Thinking of the election and Labour I was wondering the party colours.

        The colour red


        The color red was the color of the British soldiers.
        Red dye was cheap to produce compared to blue or yellow.

        When you got to smoky or foggy battlefields, you needed to quickly pick out the color of your side.

        So pure economics I'm afraid.


        • #5
          One of the first trading empires, the Phoenicians were named after the colour of the expensive crimson dye in their clothing.

          Phoenician translates to Tyrian purple or crimson person.

          They are interesting because they were very much like a modern money based group.

          A Semitic people, with lots of little trading offices all around the Mediterranean sea.

          More "nod" like than "country" like.

          Pretty neat really.
          Last edited by McDuck; 12-08-2020, 08:10 AM.


          • #6
            But why red?

            Blood is red because its has iron in it.

            Iron is needed to bind with oxygen, to fuel that big old brain of yours.

            One of the first colors used by mankind was red.

            Because clay is red.

            Clay is red because it has iron in it.

            Clay has iron in it because the whole planet is made of the stuff.

            The whole planet is made of the stuff because iron is the most common solid material in the galaxy.

            The more common elements are not solid, like oxygen for example.

            So light passes straight through them.

            The colour red, the colour of iron, is not real.

            It's just what happens in our brains when we see a light frequency of about 450 Thz.

            It's been rather handy for us , as a biological processing machine, to identify chemicals at a distance.

            Saves walking (ha).

            Eyes have developed specialized cells called rods and cones.

            The cones (named after their shape) pick up light and dark.

            The rods come in three varieties, and are deigned to pick up three colors.

            Red, Blue,and Green.
            (notice any similarity to the party colours)?

            It could have been more, but three seems to be good for us.

            ( Snakes have an extra set of holes in their jaw to sense colours below red, (night hunters you see)).

            A biological body can pump extra blood into an area that is to become active.

            That area will become more red due to the increase in iron.

            Our brains have been tuned to this as a visual indicator of action.

            On a deeply instinctive and chemical level, red could be best characterized as the color of human action readiness.

            Don't ask me about blue. ( I love Cephalopods )
            Last edited by McDuck; 13-08-2020, 08:19 AM. Reason: I care enough about y'all to try and make reading this easier.


            • #7
              The Clenched Fist was one of the ancient symbols of the Canaanite pagan sun-god Moloch (Baal) (mentioned in the Bible) that required the blood sacrifice and burnt offering of the nations children. The Red Rose, of course, is the ancient occult symbol of the mother earth goddess as she presides over pagan environmentalism and (perverted) love. In ancient Rome, for example, the Red Rose symbolized devotion to the goddess Venus, later under Emperor Constantine the Roman pagan mother earth goddess (with all her different hats) was Christianized and called the Virgin Mary (not Mary the mother of Jesus!) The Red Rose eventually led to the creation of the pagan Rosary in the Roman Catholic Church, the witchcraft of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, and finally was adopted by the modern pagan Socialists of today. All these groups are Satanic and largely have the same pagan beliefs and goals.
              Last edited by Jeffa; 17-08-2020, 03:26 AM. Reason: Meh


              • #8
                I forgot to mention in my above post Prime minister Ardern is a member of the Freemasons but I'm not casting judgement because I have connections to certain groups of society.
                Last edited by Jeffa; 17-08-2020, 03:50 AM.


                • #9
                  Wow explains a lot!


                  • #10

                    So can anyone tell me the significance of this article in relation to the virus?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Frezzinghot View Post

                      So can anyone tell me the significance of this article in relation to the virus?
                      I can"t help you if you have already made up your mind.

                      i can show you how to accurately process the information.

                      Step 1.

                      How reliable is the source?

                      step 2.

                      Has it been cross verified by other independent checking?

                      Step 3.
                      What do the words mean.


                      • #12
                        It seems John Key has put more pressure on the government in one weekend than Judith Collins has all year.


                        • #13
                          ^^ Yeah - if he could run again - National with ACT could probably get across the line in the next election.

                          But this is way too exciting a prospect and just a pipe dream.

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