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Who will be the next Labour leader?

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  • for a lawyer she makes some very poor choices. Nasty tweets I ask you!


    • He must be thinking about 'where to next' a career away from politics. What sort of jobs would be on offer for someone of his skills?


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      • Originally posted by Wayne View Post
        From the same article

        This is my hope too.
        National is not blameless and I hope it is a wake-up call to them to smarten their act.
        Remove a bit of arrogance and think of the people a bit more.
        If they do they could govern for a few more terms yet.
        "......Think of the people a bit more" , you have absolutely no idea, no idea at all that National's Planet Key is basically Labour Lite with the addition of a smiling asassin .

        Another 3 years from now we will see full entrenchment of separatist policies you will see Key continue with the path of "co-governance" with Maori which by any another name is apartheid.
        This is the epitome of your softly softly "Welcome to my home i'm not the boss" approach to life.


        • Good to see you are taking your loss so well.


          • Originally posted by mrsaneperson View Post
            "......Think of the people a bit more" , you have absolutely no idea, no idea at all that National's Planet Key is basically Labour Lite with the addition of a smiling asassin .

            Another 3 years from now we will see full entrenchment of separatist policies you will see Key continue with the path of "co-governance" with Maori which by any another name is apartheid.
            This is the epitome of your softly softly "Welcome to my home i'm not the boss" approach to life.
            I have a very good idea.
            National has been voted in - there is nothing you can do about it now - get over it!
            I was trying to look at the bright side rather than wallow in self pity.
            I was hoping that something positive may come out of it.

            I expect to see you leading the protest matches or are you just full of wind and semi-good at a keyboard?


            • ................

              Politics is very divisive. Please . . .

              More on message and
              less on the messenger.



              • While the Greens will not come on board and New Zealand First looks doubtful, Labour is in a trickier position.

                If it really wants to be viewed as a broad-based party then it is going to have to take positions which are in line with National's thinking.

                have you defeated them?
                your demons


                • cunliffe gone

                  but backs the union guy

                  and not

                  the right guy


                  Last edited by eri; 13-10-2014, 10:34 PM.
                  have you defeated them?
                  your demons


                  • Labour are history. They haven't taken David Shearers message onboard which is "Stop being a special interest party & go "broad church".

                    In a nutshell that is what he said on TV's "The Nation" a few weeks back.

                    Next election i predict a massive swing to the minority parties as has happened in the UK recently.


                    • Labour needs to become a meritocracy and divest itself of the obsession with rewarding sub-groups or particular individuals.

                      If you are a brown woman and you are capable of stepping up to win in 2017, do it. I will support you.

                      If you are a gay man, and you are capable of leading Labour to victory, stand up and be counted.

                      In this country people are judged, or should be judged on their individual merits, not on the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation or what they are packing in their underwear.

                      We need to debate the issues that caused us to fail, and put aside the cosmetic bollocks that distracts us.

                      Ageism, sexism, racism, factionalism all need to be consigned to the history books. We can and must unite for our political survival

                      have you defeated them?
                      your demons


                      • Bryce Edwards who wrote that just doesn't seem to get that is why labour have lost it totally with the voters because they're not seen as broadchurch anymore. I heard Nanaia Mahuta Labour MP today, going on today about how they have to advance the ethnic peoples rights .I mean she just doesnt get the message .


                        • i'm afraid i agree


                          with all his learning

                          seems quite happy with his own

                          and labour's

                          internal contradictions

                          none of the 4 candidates

                          seems capable of uniting

                          all of labour's ratbags into something

                          that could take nz forward into the future

                          with the rest of thr world
                          have you defeated them?
                          your demons


                          • even bryce

                            thinks this

                            the best summation of the year in politics

                            But for the best conventional list of political awards - and possibly the best review of the year, in all its bleakness - see John Armstrong's 2014: A year to get down and dirty

                            Last edited by eri; 01-01-2015, 10:04 AM.
                            have you defeated them?
                            your demons


                            • about uk labour

                              but rhymes with all

                              The result in 2015, he quips, could well be an election

                              “in which a traditional left-wing party competes with a traditional right-wing party, with the traditional result”.

                              have you defeated them?
                              your demons


                              • Little said boosting subsidies for state house tenants to move into the private rental market would push up prices, affecting all renters.

                                "The hidden story in all this is this is about the National Government looking after their private developer mates then putting pressure on the rental market and pushing rents up," he said.

                                "This is what this is about - that's what it'll do and it'll affect all renters."

                                The country's lack of affordable housing could only be fixed by building more houses, Little said.


                                so little wants more houses

                                but doesn't seem to want private developers to build them...(hobsonville not good enough for labour?)

                                so presumably he wants central gov. to build them?

                                how long would it take for a labour gov. to set up a ministry of housing, train 5000? new builders, from the ranks of the unemployed and youths that builders are already complaining don't have enough work ethic, and work with councils to find the space and ease the rules...

                                5, 10, 15 years?

                                what does he think will happen to rents in the mean time?

                                they would go up even faster than the current climb rate, which is due to nimbie councillors and planners who insist we must all live in the most expensive rabbit hutches

                                if this is all he's got to offer as leader of the opposition

                                he won't be going further
                                Last edited by eri; 28-01-2015, 04:22 PM.
                                have you defeated them?
                                your demons

