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Property Management incompetence

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  • #76
    Perhaps true.
    I did slip up on one case last year (would you cut that laughter).
    I overlooked getting my case into the court within the required two month limit.
    I think as a little tease the adjudicator would not let me recover the bond which the rotten tenant had objected to my section 22 claim of after having evicted her for non payment of rent.
    So for one case out of I think about 80 applications last year I resoundly lost one and the winner was ....
    wait for it ..... DBH / GOVT who got to hold onto the bond for ever.

    Ps I used your tribunal ruling in court last week and got five times more awarded than ever before. That figure was still 50% less than yours so I clearly have some ground to catch up.

    The problem with the solution you offer of using WINZ as some sort of defacto address for service.
    It still would not work with the impossible hurdle now called for in the RTA. (well I think so)


    • #77
      The problem with the solution you offer of using WINZ as some sort of defacto address for service.
      It is there in black and white.

      Do you get agents addresses as per 136 2e?

      On another issue.

      I've tried to get the Police to accept absconding tenants personal papers as per the RTA.

      Have you had success yet with that?

      Facebook Page


      • #78
        Originally posted by Keys View Post

        I've tried to get the Police to accept absconding tenants personal papers as per the RTA.

        Have you had success yet with that?
        Have you not read this line.
        You can never find a policeman when you want one, they say.
        What a complete waste of time and idiotic nonsense.
        I can just see me dropping a perfect set of oil knives to them or a bulging bag of stinking rat eaten receipts.
        They would probably charge me with wasting their time.


        • #79
          Hi - I'm having the same problem with my Property Manager - see my thread on negligent property managers. There is no governing body so the only redress is court.


          • #80
            Yes, I've been invoiced for repairs that weren't done - Property Manager in Rotorua. Not the one I'm currently taking to court, so I've been hit twice in Rotorua.


            • #81
              Anyone can be a property manager really. You just have to give them a test to make sure they're up to the job.


              • #82


                Facebook Page


                • #83
                  Originally posted by td91 View Post
                  Anyone can be a property manager really. You just have to give them a test to make sure they're up to the job.
                  I guess a doctor is the same....


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by td91 View Post
                    Anyone can be a property manager really. You just have to give them a test to make sure they're up to the job.
                    Now lets see what sort of test we could put to them.
                    Lets all have a little game thinking up the hoops we need to put them through.
                    Now out of recent activities I have got up to how would your off the street folks manage.

                    How about ability to scrub blood off the floor.
                    Lug a fridge freezer single handed down a very steep set of stairs. (did that this morning without so much as a scratch to me or the fridge)
                    Negotiate with WINZ to get a rent by redirection for someone they had declined one for in the past.
                    Extract a sweet young lady out of a dangerous relationship.
                    Open up the flat for a tenant on Sunday night for no reward after he had locked himself out.
                    Fix some plumbing leaks in a hot water cupboard.
                    Do an arrest warrant then complete an order for examination after the court catches him and they give you 10 minutes to get into the court.
                    Change a toilet cistern float valve.
                    Sort out a free to air TV antenna problem.
                    Negotiate with some Nepalese refugees who can not speak English.
                    Defend your self in court against a tenant who claims their flat is not up to standard.
                    Deal with a complex insurance claim.
                    Convince the city council to mend a water leak at a couple of properties.
                    Defend myself against a tenant who has an electricians report that says her power bills are high because of deficiencies in the wiring.
                    Sort out a new Korean sushi bar operator explaining in plain English why he needs to pay body corporate increases.

                    Enough. That is only a brief list of last weeks things I got up to.


                    • #85
                      I don't have a lot of good things to say about Property Managers - I've seen how most of them work and i'm not impressed. There are the odd few out there that actually do give a damn though.

                      Managing your own tenants is not hard work as long as the basic groundwork has been covered - and if you haven't done your groundwork properly you will always have problems.

                      I tell any prospective tenants what i'm like as a landlord and give them the opportunity to then proceed with the application form, Nine times out of ten they don't - good riddance to bad rubbish is all I can say. Asking for higher rents determines a quality tenant but still the checks have to be done.

                      Thousands of dollars worth of property handed over to somebody that does property management as a job doesn't work, what interest do they have in your property - some landlords need to be asking themselves these questions.

                      Sharon Trafford


                      • #86
                        Couldn't you say the same about a mechanic or any other trade for that matter? Satisfied customers and good word of mouth would be a good driver.


                        • #87
                          It all comes down to personal opinions - I've worked in a maintenance company for 4 years dealing with a variety of Property Managers from the big companies to boutique companies. Being called out because a window is leaking when infact its condensation running down the windows has got to make you wonder their understanding!!!

                          One property manager signing tenants in and another signing tenants out doesn't work. I deal with frustrated landlords everytime because they are the ones picking up the tab for damage caused because nobody can prove exactly when it was done - and the tenants know which cards to play.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Top Notch Investor View Post
                            Being called out because a window is leaking when infact its condensation running down the windows has got to make you wonder their understanding!!!
                            Did you put that on the invoice to the PM? If not, why not? If so, the PM is likely to have charged the tenant. Or should have.

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                            • #89
                              Yes it went on the invoice and the property manager got a call from myself to say it was condensation, they were also provided with a list of things they should do to solve the condensation problem which was coming from the tumble drier which wasn't vented outside. What the property manager does their side has nothing to do with me with regards to oncharging the tenant, but if the property manager had a good understanding of maintenance or actually got her backside off her chair and went to site instead of probably taking what the tenant said is also another issue.

                              This is what the landlords are paying for!!


                              • #90
                                I have been a PM, am currently a tenant and have 2 properties under 2 different PM's in the same city, the 3rd I look after myself from afar. Absolutely brilliant tenants thank goodness.
                                The PM's that are best and good at their job are usually mature females who have owned or currently own their own home and have a bit of knowledge about how a house is constructed.
                                I also had a background in debt collection/credit control so that helped as well. We have just gotten rid of one PM as she was more concerned about the tenant on social welfare than she was with our hard earned former home and how it getting damaged affected us.

