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Differculties of a Moderator vs Dummies, Liars, Bullies (and Transparency)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Marc
    I think one thing all forum community members should think about once in a while is that all moderators are not paid to do this important and vital task. All would do well to consider how much effort it takes to moderate a forum and at the same time not step on too many toes.


    Thank you Marc.

    I agree the moderators are doing a great job. Moderation may not be agreed on by everybody all the time. As witnessed in other threads some of the members wanted threads closed and others for it to remain open.

    a quote for us to think about

    Originally posted by HermanZ
    Moderation will never be fair and will always annoy someone.
    Lets all leave the moderators to go back to forming the guidelines. Keep up the good work Mods.


    • #17
      Could we all pretend for minute that we are not whining bashing kiwis and pretend we belong to a positive culture, like the human race?
      We have access to an amazing resource in this forum FOR FREE.
      Property investing has been very good to me personally and Ptalk has been and is an integral part of my success. Many of you in this thread I know personally and it saddens me greatly to see some of you sidetracked and expending your energy on this drivel. Who cares if some unnamed coward is trying to annoy people or cause an argument.
      There is so much good stuff happening at the moment. I'm falling over bargains everyday, interest rates have just dropped, tis the season to make a fortune. Why are you all sitting around taking shots at or defending one another.

      Dave did what he thought best, that may or may not have been 100% correct but he and all the moderators do a great job of trying to keep us all in line. I think it's great that Dave cared enough about Ron's reputation to edit a post to ensure Ron appears in a positive friendly way. Get a life guys.
      Ron you are an amazing investor with a passion like me for equipping others. Focus on that!! That's where the joy is. No one who knows you thinks for one minute that you are anything other than a wonderful clever guy. We all try to copy your success. Keep up the good work and posts about your successes and failures. Who cares what some anonymous $%^$& thinks of you??

      Lets celebrate our industry and our success. I encourage you all to ignore and boycott these negative threads. People who refuse to identify themselves or their motives are not worth wasting your keyboard on


      • #18
        Differculties of a Moderator and New Guidelines - Thanks

        I would like to apologize to the Marc, Donna and the Moderators for having to go public on this thread in order to get an ear. The P/T Team has always done an excellent job and you have my continued support in this.

        I also thank Tamara who was finally the first to listen after numerous requests made over the past weeks to the P/T Team from both myself and many other members of the Forumite P/T community

        Thanks for the permanent removal of Post#20 and Post #29, which I so strongly believed, were not within the Etiquette of P/T forum for the World to see. Thanks Drelly I am sure this decision was unanimous and that you have shown impartiality in giving your full support in this, naturally hesitation may have been there for all moderators in the beginning because of the unclear guidelines that you all were previously working by.

        I would have no objection to the permanent removal of this thread once the derogative hearsay and unsubstantiated rumors of an associate P/T member in the particular thread concerned, are also permanently removed, (which I understand is only temporarily under review) as I believe this thread will have then past its "used by expiry date" and would served no beneficial purpose in the future.

        As referred to in the heading of this thread I fully appreciate and do understand the "Difficulties of a Moderator." The points made by all of those who have posted both in the PMs and this thread is acknowledged and thanks.

        Cheers Ron

        May we all have a Happy and Prosperous New Year in the Chinese New Year of the Dog (28 Jan 2006)

        May this year be the year of falling interest rates and an increases in rents.

        Ps - People born in the year of the Dog (year: 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994) Are frank but pessimistic. The Dog is eager to find out the truth. He is faithful, ready to serve others and that is why he can gain respect from others.


        • #19
          Hi Ron

          Gong XI Fa Cai.

          Happy New Year to You too

          You don't know how great things are until you loose it.


          • #20

            Whatever happened to the Richmastery/Tauranga thread?


            • #21
              Hi all,

              Just as a matter of interest, last time I looked, SteelV is a she - not a he.


