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spotting on the stove

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  • spotting on the stove

    Does anyone have a way to avoid this. Are some stoves better able to withstand knives being placed on the elements. I find I have to replace heaps of elements on stoves due to many of the tenants sniffing cannibus oil. Also lots of the elements have that little round flat middle bit prized off to use as a receptable for it. And that resin is real hard to get off. Is there some real good solvent to remove it.

  • #2
    start with the tenancy agreement

    A clause in the agreement baning drug-use on the premises wouldn't go a-miss.

    Ask that the clients pay for any repairs or replacement due to drugs use.

    After all - they are abusing the privilege of living there.


    • #3
      What about the newer ovens that have glass over the elements? They are more expensive (so may not be suitable) but would last a lot longer.

      If gas is a possibility that would stop spotting but might prove a fire risk if they forget to turn it off!


      • #4
        where there's a will there's a way

        Pretty sure someone would try to spot on a ceramic cooktop or with gas as well as it is really the concentrated heat the user is after.

        I hadn't thought of this scenario before though.
        Definitely wouldn't be unique to NZ but may be more prevalent there.


        • #5
          No point in stating in the agreement "no drugs". If they do not care about the law saying no drugs why on earth would they care about a landlord. the Tenancy Tribunal will not impose any sort of penalty on this sort of activity.
          Re a ceramic top. That is even more of a problem. I hae seen the top cracked due o oil on the hot spots.
          Re gas. This would make all their dreams come true. Spotters love gas.
          Come on landlords. You can do beter than this.

