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  • Welcome and please read this!


    Propertytalk.co.nz is a free and independent web site dedicated to promoting New Zealand to overseas investors interested in property for investment.

    We are a group of investors, some of whom live outside of NZ, who own investment property in NZ. We are not related in any way to two tier marketing companies, mortgage broker companies or any other company that can benefit from controlling a forum.

    We will moderate these forums and do not allow any unfair, unethical, unsupported, libelous or crude comments. Personal attacks will not be tolerated nor any attacks on companies.

    Please note that we may not necessarily support or encourage any of our member’s views nor do we indorse or will promote any products, opportunities or services mentioned in this forum.

    Please advertise your wares in the Commercial forum.

    Here are a few typical examples of 'netiquette'

    Search the forums before you post your topic. Your question or comment may have already been discussed, answered, or resolved.

    Create a concise subject that adequately summarizes your topic. For example: "Start up problems with Power Supply Unit" rather than "I need help."

    Refrain from using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, excessive question marks (?) or exclamation points (!) in your subject or content.

    Provide details in your comment or question to increase the likelihood of starting a discussion.

    Crossposting the same question in more than one forum will cause confusion and most likely reduce the chance of a reply.

    Be patient. All the participants of this forum are using the forum and participating in discussions on their own time.

    Help others. The forum is a community, and works best when people share information.

    Give feedback. If someone helps you by answering your question, try to add a follow-up response letting them know if it worked or not.

    Have fun!

    PropertyTalk Team 10 October 2003
    Free business resources - www.BusinessBlogsHub.com

  • #2
    Who's got the privilege of cutting the opening ribbon?

    Welcome to the forum,

    I look forward to the journey of learning and networking with you all, both as moderator and as a contributor to the forum.

    Prosperous times ahead!



    • #3
      Hi All. I've very limited abilities/privileges (on PT I mean!) at present so please excuse my intrusion.

      Is anyone aware of any Wellington (or Manawatu, even) PT meetings coming up?

