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How much can I increase my Rent by?

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  • How much can I increase my Rent by?

    Hi All,

    Always wondered not only what rent you can charge for what area, type of property, number of rooms but also how much you can increase the rent by each year?

    Well, using MBIE data (based on bond lodged forms) I have created the below report which tells us what the rent growth has been over the last 20 or so years. It is also contains the number of rental properties that are tenanted over the same period of time.

    The report is interactive with slicers / drop down boxes to select and the charts present high level details but further, more granular details can be obtained by pressing the downward pointing arrow just about the title of the chart and then select a bar and this will expand into more detail.

    Link below, copy and paste it into your browser, let us know if this is useful to any of you. Thanks,


    https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZTlmMjUyYmEtMzU5My00YjcxLTg2NmQtNDk yN2IwMWY1Y2Y1IiwidCI6ImIzYWMzZDcwLThlZTYtNDNjNi1iM GVmLTM5YzZiMGE0MTljMiJ9

  • #2
    That works quite well for a general guide.
    Of course averages dont take into account specific features that make the difference between properties, but its a good indication


    • #3
      Absolutely brilliant! Thank you


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dan80 View Post
        Always wondered not only what rent you can charge for what area, type of property, number of rooms but also how much you can increase the rent by each year?
        That's one impressive bit of data collation and presentation, Dan. Well done.

        I wonder if what you've done confirms or denies the postulate that the number of rentals is declining as LLs sell-up, rather than endure Comrade Taxcindarella's comic opera coalition's increasing encroachment on private property rights?

        Historical stats have some bearing, but contemporary aspects are probably more cogent. E.g.

        * Supply and demand
        * Ability to pay
        * Location
        * School zoning
        * Amenities: property-specific and locality

        . . . . etc.


        • #5
          That's pretty cool.
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